Monday, April 11, 2011

Busy Busy Bee

 Busy Busy Bee

Click ~HERE~
Spring is here and this is a great activity to keep the kids moving! 
This can be used as a station or whole group activity.  I plan to hide the "buzz words" (bees) around the room.  My students will search for them, read the word and record it on their Tree Map (Thinking Map).  I would love some feedback on this idea.  I had the thought for girls to search for ladybugs and boys to search for bees...I also think this could be used for other skills.   I would be willing to make more if anyone has something they would like to see.   Comments welcome! 


  1. I love this! Thank you for sharing!

  2. I LOVE activities like this. My class begs for them. Thank you!

  3. these are cute. Do you have all the kids up and around at the same time? I think with my kids it might get a little crazy. And do your print these all out on your own color printer or are you able to print them out at school?

  4. Thanks for all the feedback!!! Donut Diva...I do have the kids up whole group. I have one or two that will be crazy but if I give them a mission, they seem to stay on task. I will also emphasize that it's not a race! I have a color printer and I do print some at home. At school, there is a place I have access to a color printer and I use that a lot. The color ink has been a challenge but I plan to keep printing at school until I get cut off :).

  5. I think it's a fabulous idea to have a couple different insects at once........girls/boys or different tables look for different insects....

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. This sounds like a fun way to get kids engaged in learning.



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