No snow? No problem.
I’m just sitting here in North Carolina while my students stare at me like I have 3 heads. I keep teaching and talking about snow…but do we have any snow? Nope. Nada.
Of course, that means it’s time to get creative. What better way to get into a snowy mood than with a SNOWBALL FIGHT!?
It’s super easy and is a perfect activity when you have that awkward 5 minutes in your day that you need to fill. You know those few minutes in between which really are not enough time for anything.
You will need a small scrap piece of paper for each student and each student will need a textbook. I usually use the basal so everyone is familiar with the story/words.
Tell students to look in their story/book and to write 1 word on their paper that they don’t know. When they’re done and staring at you for their next direction, have them hold their paper up then crumple it up into a SNOWBALL! After the initial shock and excitement, let them throw it at YOU.
I know you’re wondering where the educational aspect is in all of this…well, after all the snowballs have been thrown, each student finds one, opens it and reads it out loud. You can repeat this for as many times as you have time for. Depending on how much time we have, I will have students write one sentence instead of one word.
Here’s the tricky part J No matter what, you will always be 1 snowball short. Somehow, someway one snowball will be thrown never to be found again L I try to make 1 or 2 of my own and throw them in to limit the devastation for that one child who is snowball-less when it’s time to collect them (look at me making up my own word -give me a blog and watch out!).
You can check out this mess in action below-
Disclaimer: this picture is blurry and will ALWAYS be blurry when taken by a 6 year old J
This is me protecting myself as snowballs are thrown with all their might tossed at me.

Girl, I feel ya! We've been celebrating winter and snow for two weeks, and the temps are in the 60s in Mississippi! Gotta love winter in the South!!
ReplyDeletePeace, Love and First Grade
What fun! I do a version of this where they write their name on a piece of paper and we sit in a circle. Then they thrown their snowball in the middle. Everybody picks a snowball and then we go around the circle sharing a compliment about the person paper we are holding up. It's so much fun!
Stories From Second
LOVE it! We made snow today and wished we could have thrown it everywhere!
ReplyDeleteI've been meaning to do this!!! It looks like so much fun and I KNOW my kiddos will love it!! Maybe tomorrow???
ReplyDeleteI live in AZ so no snow for us in the city! :/
I'm a new follower!
❤ Sandra
Sweet Times in First
No snow here in Georgia either! In fact, its been in the 60s all week...though I'm actually totally digging it :)
ReplyDeleteWe've had snowball fights before! I love that you can make them so versatile and use them for almost anything! And of course, they just about die to get to be able to throw paper around the room.
Teachery Tidbits
I'm glad I'm not the only one without any snow!
ReplyDeleteMy little one told me if we all wore our pajamas inside out tonight that tomorrow there would be snow! Hmmm...