Friday, August 8, 2014

1st Grade Curriculum Maps

Life & Curriculum 

This school year, I will be moving back to first grade, changing schools, and......having a baby BOY!  

I'm sure you've already forgiven me for being MIA on the blog.  The back to school season is here and I do have a lot of teaching tips, ideas, and products ready to share with you.  

I want to start with my curriculum maps that I've created for 1st grade.  Every year my teammates and I set out to align curriculum after reflecting on what worked and what didn't.  Sometimes I have text books to use with the curriculum and sometimes I don't.  So...these maps are a reflection of skills, not any specific text.  

I believe that each year is different and each group of students bring different challenges.  I alter my "plan" as I see a need to.  I am not locked into this curriculum but I know that to start a new school year, I DO need to have a plan so I can start somewhere.  Another thing you will notice is that the curriculum only goes to February and then stops.  This is because at that point in the school year, you will need to really look at the big picture and decide what skills your class needs the most practice with.  You may be behind, you may be ahead, or you may be gearing up to re-teach.  Either way, heading into the last quarter of the school year has always been different for each class I've taught.  Some groups have different strengths than others and you will need to do what works best for you.  I also want to mention that this curriculum is based on monthly skills.  In the past, I've used curriculum maps that are aligned weekly - I think this is too much.  At some point especially when team planning...someone gets off track.  It always comes down to a decision of what to teach and what to let go of because of a time crunch.  This method doesn't make sense to me since all of what is laid out needs to be done since the material is a scaffolding of the monthly curriculum is what works for me.  As I begin my month, I know what I need to get done similar to a checklist.  If I'm a day or two off from last's not big deal and not stress-worthy.  I have time. I can get to it and even reteach it needed. 

I am offering these as free downloads and I truly hope they will be useful to someone.  They are specific to my school year and my needs but the downloads are editable to fit your needs. Please note: Fonts will change what you download on the editable document.  I am also attaching the PDF so you can see the document without formatting changes. There are gaps in what is outlined for reading. I will assess where the kids are and then fill in a plan from there.  I will always focus on building reading levels in conjunction with comprehension skills.   
I know when I first started teaching this is what I needed.  This information would have saved me many late nights and early mornings.  If you decide to download or share please credit Randi @ Teach It With Class. Also, leave some love in the comments so I'll know! 


  1. Oh My Goodness!!! Congratulations!! A baby boy, hooray :) Thank you so much for the curriculum map, it will be a huge help! Did you transfer to another school in the county?

  2. I love how you organized your plan. Thank you so much for sharing your hard work.

  3. This is so helpful for teachers new to first grade! Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. Hi, This is Stephanie. That's so wonderful, it's a very useful and clear plan. I love it. I wonder if I want to contact with you, may I have your E-mail to discuss more about teaching? I love teaching, and I also want to find good teacher to share and discuss. Thanks. This is my E-mail,

  5. I love these! I love to organize my year and use a calendar but would love these for the whole year. However, I do not see March, April, and May? Do you have them?

  6. i love to read this article, awesome article, this is very helpfull for us.

  7. Thanks Randi! I love these and appreciate you sharing them. I am having a hard time editing them to fit my curriculum. Any tips??

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