Saturday, December 31, 2011

STOP Writing!

STOP Writing....well not  really. Read on! 

Do your children have trouble understanding where to stop a sentence?  Do they think punctuation is just a fun decoration for their papers?   Well, I'll admit it, my children are a little confused.  It's so difficult to explain when a complete thought stops and needs punctuation.  Then, there is always the problem of those who do get it but forget to do it! Sheesh! Well this fun free simple activity should get your class excited about periods!

With any type of writing you would simple replace all the periods with paper periods from the hole punch!

 Have students complete a writing assignment after you model and stress the proper use of punctuation. Your students will be very excited to glue their "periods" or "stoppers" on their paper when they're done! After, I like to compile the pages in a class book.  This helps students see the patterns with the periods and fortunately some of the problems.  I have children that begin to see that ALL of their periods are at the end of each line (not the sentence), I have had  them recognize that they only have 1 loooong sentence with 1 period and others see that they have waaaay too many periods.  

*I used my 3 hold punch with different colored paper and then emptied it and I had plenty of 'periods'

If you try this in your classroom,  I would love to hear how it goes. I heart comments! 

Friday, December 30, 2011

Visualizing for Comprehension

For a student to be considered a good reader they must go beyond decoding words.  Without comprehension, students who are fluent decoders are just “barking at the print.”  It is when students are able to understand what they have read that they can be considered good readers.  One strategy of a good reader is visualizing.  Good readers do this without even realizing they do it.  The question then, is how do you teach this skill?  

Here are some pictures from my visualizing unit that will help YOU visualize ways to teach this tricky comprehension skill! 
Students fill in the center of the Bubble Map based on the adjective phrases in the outside bubbles.  

I used the book Snowmen All Year to help students visualize how the setting changes in a text.  In the frame I placed lines directly from the text and then drew a matching picture of the setting being described.  It is important to teach students that the text actually does describe what is happening.  Often, the students rely only on pictures and fail to make the comprehension connection with the  text. 

Here's a closer look~

"and at my birthday party we would celebrate his too" 

Another Thinking Map you  could use to apply the same skill~
This Bridge Map shows easily how the text taken directly from the book matches the picture below it.  

My new unit is full of lessons to not only teach visualizing in your classroom but it contains enough to continue to practice and re-visit these skills. 

You can check it out HERE 

This is the book I used to teach visualizing the setting. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Plurals FREEBIE

One of the most difficult parts of learning to speak English is the correct pronunciation of plural nouns and verbs.  Many of my ESL children have a lot of trouble understanding when to add "S" to the end of a word.  Verbally, they seem to hear it and be able to tell me what it should be....but to get them to write it on paper is something I have yet to figure out (suggestions welcome).  

I have created this Christmas Plurals activity to help them visualize adding an "S" to a word to show more than one.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cyber Monday Sale

I'm jumping on the CYBER train and throwing a TPT sale!


Use promo Code: CMS28
You will receive 30% off of  EVERYTHING in my TPT Store

Happy Holidays! 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

FREEBIE - 'Tis the season

'Tis the season

I hope everyone is enjoying this last weekend before the official holiday season kicks off! In order to keep myself on track, I created some fun To Do Lists.  Nothing makes me feel better than crossing something off of my To Do List! When I am done with everything on the list it becomes my "Ta Da List"! I figure that with a super cute list, I may be more motivated! Here's hoping...

You can grab 10 FREE different designs ~HERE~

Monday, November 14, 2011

Skip Counting

This year, I think my students have finally mastered SKIP maybe at least a few of them have. 
I tried really hard to make the unit relevant.  For counting by 2's I used pieces of numbered paper with 2 turkeys on each paper.  This really helped with understanding that there are really 2 objects to be counted.  It's not just Ms. Fleming forgetting to say every other number! 

For 5's we used hand print turkeys (adorable!).  Shout out to First Grader at Last for this awesome idea! 

For 10's, I divided the class in groups and each group glued 10 fall leaves on each paper. I did this ugly um...not really thought out bulletin board to show off our hard work and BAM, they are finally getting it! To really achieve understanding of the concept, we practiced all of this in relation to a 100's board.

We practiced even more with my Thanksgiving Skip Counting station.  

I am curious, is this a skill your first graders pick up easily or do they come to you already knowing it?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Harrison Ford wants you to read...

Does your school library ever clean and giveaway goodies???
Well...mine does.  
A fellow teacher of mine snatched this enormous framed poster  goody up when that clean out time came.  Myself and another coworker teased her about  this.  We both left her room laughing about her treasure.    Well, low and  behold a few months later this teacher has retired from our school. I go into her old room today and there he is....Harrison Ford...loud and proud hanging on the wall in the classroom!

The copyright on the poster reads 1990 (yes, I had to get up close and check).  
I have  nothing  against celebrities promoting reading, it just strikes me as funny since (21 years later) Harrison Ford does NOT look like this anymore! 

There you have my randomness for the day! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

First 5 Get it FREE

So, I'm sitting at 197 followers (I can't even believe that 197 random strangers want to give my little corner of the world the time of day) but........sheesh 200 would  just make my night! 

So, I thought I would try to get some action.  The first 5 people to comment will receive my "Pumpkin Pie in a Cup" mini pack FREE.  
On your mark....get set...GO! 
 Click HERE to get this activity if sadly you're not one of the first 5 to comment :(

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Response Log Freebie

I created this FREE response log to go with my Needs & Wants Unit.  This could be used for any of the pigeon books by Mo Willems.  
 Click HERE to grab your free copy!

I can never seem to find a response log that fits my needs.   They always seem to easy or too hard.  So, I created a variety of my own.  I just posted the Reading and Responding to Text Packet to my TPT and TN store.  This packet is full of response logs for all levels! 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

3 Winners

Ladies, check your e-mail :)

Last Chance Giveaway!

My giveaway ends tonight!!!! Enter NOW!

Go ~HERE~ and enter to win for my giveaway! There will be 3 winners and it's super easy to enter! You could win a $10.00 Scrappin Doodles Gift Certificate, my favorite Thanksgiving book "Turk and Runt: A Thanksgiving Comedy" or any 3 items from my store!!!    

Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Bat Hat!

A few years back on  a trip in the mountains of West Virginia, I found a bat hat! I use it every year around this time and the children love it.  This year, I have found a Turkey hat. I can't wait for November!

Don't forget to check out my giveaway ~HERE~

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Verb Rap Song

I have attached a link to a great song to use when teaching action verbs! My children are addicted to this song. Be prepared won't be able to get it out of your head either! 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Giveaway Reminder

Don't forget to go ~HERE~ and enter to win for my giveaway! There will be 3 winners and it's super easy to enter! You could win a $10.00 Scrappin Doodles Gift Certificate, my favorite Thanksgiving book "Turk and Runt: A Thanksgiving Comedy" or any 3 items from my store!!! 

Click ~HERE~ to go to the blog post and enter.

Good Luck!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I just finished this Needs & Wants packet for November.  In case you don't know, I am in love with the Pigeon from the Mo Willems series.  I absolutely can't wait to introduce this crazy character to my new students.  So, I figured what better way to teach teach the difference between wants and needs than from the Pigeon? The Pigeon wants a hotdog but does he need a hotdog? 

This packet will help your children understand that people often want much more than they need. As a result, we must make choices about what we need and what we can afford.  
You can check out  the packets at my TPT store or my TN store.  

Saturday, October 22, 2011

It's Giveaway Time! 3 Winners

It's Giveaway Time!

A couple of clicks and you will be entered to win!  There will be 3 winners and the winners will be announced Sunday, October 30th  

There are 3 ways to enter...and there will be 3 winners!

1) Become a follower of my TPT store and leave a comment saying you are now a follower.   

2) Become a follower of my Teachers Notebook store and leave a comment saying you are now a follower.

3) Blog about my giveaway or just my blog in general on your blog! (I added this one because this would just make me super duper excited to be thought of in the amazing blog world :) 

The first winner will receive a $10.00 Scrappin Doodles Gift Certificate

The second winner will receive a copy of my favorite Thanksgiving Book "Turk and Runt: A Thanksgiving Comedy" by Lisa Wheeler

The third winner will receive any 3 items of their choice from my Teachers Notebook store or TPT.