My school has begun RtI officially this year. I am the "intervention specialist" for our school's RtI team (sounds fancy I know!). In my research, I have discovered that every school seems to implement RtI a little bit differently. Some schools have RtI teams who help classroom teachers while other schools have teams that actually work with students. At those schools, the RtI member's job and title is actually as an RtI interventionist or team member. At my school, I'm on the team that helps the classroom teacher (in addition to being a full time classroom teacher myself).
I could go on and on about RtI its processes and the research behind the idea. Instead, I would rather discuss the student and the intervention. In a nutshell, when a student struggles, the classroom teacher needs to figure out why and then do something about it. I often help other teachers at my school figure out in a systematic way, why a student is struggling in a specific area. From there, we design interventions specific to that student to help them grow in that one isolated area. Since K-2 students often struggle in similar skill sets, I have created intervention units to help the classroom teacher (or interventionist) work on RtI based interventions. The cover of each unit tells you if the unit is for you.
My units include specific details about how to do the intervention and how to assess and collect data for the intervention. When searching for resources for RtI I discovered that many of the units I was able to find were for the assessment only. None of the units included the materials to do the intervention and then the assessment materials too. I created units that have both so that everything you need is in one unit. The units also align with each other. This means if you are working on multiple interventions with multiple students, your data collection process will be simplified!
I have also included pictures of myself working with students within each unit to help ensure understanding of what an intervention is.
Recording the Interventions {all charts and graphs included in each unit}
Assessing the Student
I hope that if you need help with students who are struggling with Letters & Sounds, CVC words, or High Frequency Words that you will consider my units. If you have any questions about how I use these, feel free to leave a comment or email me. I would also love to hear about how RtI is implemented in your school.