Call me crazy, but I'm not going to celebrate the 100th day of school this year. Instead, I will be celebrating the 120th Day of School! Common Core for first grade extends the counting sequence to 120. In an attempt to show my little ones that there are in fact numbers past 100 I am going to embrace the number 120. Of course we have worked with numbers to 120 all year. However, I have a few that are still struggling. This extra focus on numbers to 120 will really be helpful. The 100th day of school is usually one of my favorite days. I start the day off by filling the classroom with 100 balloons and the fun learning begins from there. I have created a unit to compliment our 120th Day of School celebration.
You can check it out here or click on any picture.
I needed a little help...I promised my dog Toby some extra treats if he would just work with me a little!